If you are running iOS 17 developer beta, some of the features in Journey won't work properly. Fret not! We will consolidate the iOS 17 bugs in this thread and squash them one by one.

John stickied the discussion .

Valeriyjv has kindly submitted a video recording of missing bottom toolbar in the editor page. ETA to fix: One week.

  • John replied to this.
    2 months later

    Crash when attempting to open drawing in editor. Journey iPad on iPad OS 17. Please fix, thanks!

      5 days later
      2 months later

      Hi dev, could you fix this bug? Unable to attach photos when set to limited access. Thanks.

        6 days later

        tiffanying We have fixed this bug. Thanks for reporting it to us!

        5 months later
        John unstickied the discussion .