For some reason, when I search for something like a name, the results are not chronological. I wanted to find the first instance of mentioning this person. I can't work out what it IS sorting it by, either. Would be great if either the default was all chronological mentions of the search term, or at least an option to change it to that!
Search results not appearing chronologically
John Journey Cloud Sync - I think the same issue is found on my iPad, MacBook and Android phone. Maybe it's just a me problem?
nimrodpaz Thank you for your response! In Journey Cloud Sync, search results are prioritized based on relevance instead of chronological order. For instance, if you search for "dog," entries mentioning "dog" will appear at the top. Related terms like "cat" might still show up but will be ranked lower. I hope this clarifies things!
John Sure, but within just the key term that has been searched for, how does Journey decide what to show where? For example, if I have 80 entries that contain the name "Michael" and I search for it, how will those entries appear? In order of how many times "Michael" is mentioned within the entry, perhaps?
I think it makes sense to sort it chronologically here - could I suggest that as either a change or an option to be selected? It would be very helpful, since the AI is not yet capable enough to determine the first instance of meeting someone etc.
I understand that less relevant entries may appear after, but I am less interested in those - only the ones containing my search word/s.
Many thanks for your response as ever
John Hi John, could I just follow up on this please?
John Thank you John
John Sorry for being annoying John, just curious to know if there was any reply?