Hi, I setup an self-hosted sync drive to test search with self-hosted drive.
I cannot view embedded pictures, nor can i download them.

Cannot view the pictures.

Clicking Download will save a corrupt file and shows a big red icon.

The status of media server is red. The log shows segmentation fault.
👷 Start processing: PngMediaProcessor /mnt/data/journey/entries/66c442c5b116345d92d80ae0/66c44464b116345d92d8114e/66c44474b116345d92d8116c/original/66c44474b116345d92d8116c.png
Segmentation fault

Executing npm run launchMedia in journey-sync-self-hosted-service container will process the image just fine. After that, media server doesn't show segmentation fault anymore, and the status is green.

I cp the file from the container, and the file is fine.

However, Journey on my phone still cannot view or download the pictures, and that worries me.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Syncing entries doesn't run smoothly either.
Sync only downloads the older part entries. Clicking "sync all" multiple times does sync all entries eventually.

@baronchiu Our technical team is looking into it now. Thanks for sharing this issue with us.

@baronchiu Are you able to see this photo in the web app? If you reupload the same photo in another entry, does this issue still persist?

The sync will not work as long one of the servers is not turned on. Currently the system is not smart enough to preprocess media files that were uploaded when your media server is not turned on. As such, you have to reupload them again.

Also modifying files in the file system or records in the database is not advisable, and could cause sync failure. When your sync fails, you should see an error code.

5 days later

Had the same problem:
New entry -> attach image -> ok -> sync -> image changed to be the mentioned "placeholder"
Solution for my case: i had different domain-values in the docker-compose for the chapters
"journey-sync-self-hosted-service:" and "journey-sync-self-hosted-media:"

the value
DOMAIN: [must be the same in both chapters]