So I was using the previous app version, in which I didn't make an account, and only had to use a pin to access my entries. Now with the update, I'm unable to open the app at all. I know it's likely my entries are gone since they weren't saved anywhere else outside of the app, but I just need to know for sure that it's not possible that'd I'd be able to access them anymore before I delete this app. I've contacted app support several times, which has been unhelpful.

  • John replied to this.

    Bugsy In the recent Android update, we also updated some of the core components. It seems that these core components had some bugs, which were fixed a few days ago by the Google Android team. We've already downgraded the components in the update last Friday. The new version should fix this bug.

    John changed the title to Unable to open Journey on Android .
    a month later

    I am also experieincing this now. Please let me know if there is a fix, if not i guess I lose multiple years of diary entries - which would be really awesome, cheers 🙂

    • John replied to this.
      5 days later

      @Bugsy GabrieIm We have found the solution. It's quite simple to solve! Please restart the device and try again. One of the users who was experiencing this issue did that, and it worked!