iOS 17.2 has brought Journal app to users, and its API looks fantastic and pretty useful for journal writers.

Journaling Suggestions provides a visual picker interface for iPhone apps. The picker displays personal Moments that occur in someone’s life, such as their workouts and exercise, places they visit, a trip they take, a person they connect with, their photo memory highlights, Photos in their library, a song or podcast they listen to.

Would you be adding this feature in Journey?

  • John replied to this.
    John stickied the discussion .

    skg-ipod Thank you for bringing this up! We are thrilled to inform you that we have indeed added a similar feature in Journey called "Journey Moments." We leverage the Apple journaling suggestion API to provide a visual picker interface within the app.

    Journey Moments displays significant personal moments from your life, including workouts, visited places, trips, connections with people, photo memory highlights, library photos, and even songs or podcasts you listen to.

    This new feature enhances your journaling experience and allows you to capture and reflect on these meaningful moments seamlessly. Give it a try in the latest version 5.2.7 of Journey and let us know your thoughts!

      John Thank you for the swift response! Wow, I am amazed by Journey's development speed. Thank you for introducing Apple Journaling Suggestion in Journey. I can't wait to use it!

      John Give it a try in the latest version 5.2.7 of Journey and let us know your thoughts!

      🔥 😍

      Does Journey automatically add the location and photos to the journal entry when a moment is selected in the moments picker?

      • John replied to this.
        25 days later

        John I love the new feature for iOS. It would be nice if it added the pictures that you see in the moments section too. For instance, the map and activity image and not just a message with “1234 steps”, or in the case of calls it is only creating a title that says “You’ve connected”.

          5 days later

          dnk-journal This is a great suggestion! I've forwarded this suggestion to my team. Thank you! 🙂

          3 months later
          John unstickied the discussion .