Hi! I would love to edit my posts with html and css code. is there any way to achieve this?
I think it would be a great enhancement to the application that would make us be able to customize the entries much more to our preferences. Thank you.

  • John replied to this.
    John changed the title to Use HTML/CSS to style journal .

    Hi yackle , thanks for asking this question. Can you share what kind of customization are you looking for? i can send this feedback to my team.

      Would love to see if we can customize H1, H2, and etc.

      John Hi! I would like to be able to customize the size of the text, the typo, to be able to modify the alignment of the tables independently the header of the rest, to be able to assign a background color (fill) in the table cells...
      In short, to be able to add some code in html would be great

      Thanks for the suggestion. I am forwarding this feedback to my technical team.