If I remember correctly, Journey Cloud sync will be available sometime this month. How much storage will the user get? How does it affect Lifetime members? Right now I use about 7GB of Google Drive storage just from Journey. Will I be able to transfer the Google Drive entries and media to Journey Cloud storage or will they both need to sync independently to get the data?

Hi @Ultreya , thank you for asking this question. Yes, Journey Cloud Sync should be available by this week! During the open beta trial, our goal is to test the robustness and usage of Journey Cloud Sync. We plan to start with 5.3GB first.

Yes, you can import Google Drive entries + media files into Journey Cloud Sync. I would highly recommend you to only import the recent entries during the trial and not the full 7GB. Even if you choose to import the 7GB again in the future, you can simply choose to skip importing the duplicated entries.

As lifetime members are part of the membership license, they will enjoy the full benefits as the membership subscribers. I hope this clarifies!