• WebBugs
  • CSV import fails if there are commas in the journal entry

Hi, I am attempting to migrate from Daylio to Journey. However, when importing my Daylio .csv file either via the web interface or directly via the Android app, the result in Journey is not correct. Moods, text and dates are scrambled and are not parsed correctly.

I have been in touch with your support via chat, who asked me to create this forum post on the issue. He recommended the following .csv format for correct import:

2019,January 23,Wednesday,9:26 AM,good,good meal,This is a note text 1.
2019,January 23,Wednesday,9:19 AM,meh,work,This is a note text 2.
2019,January 10,Thursday,9:32 AM,rad,shopping,This is a note text 3. 

From that, I tested with the following, which still did not work properly:

2024,October 17,Thursday,11:56 PM,rad,tv,Min overdådige, danske beskrivelse af flere forskellige øer.
2024,October 16,Wednesday,8:00 PM,good,tv,Min beskrivelse 2
2024,October 15,Tuesday,11:16 PM,bad,tv,Super hyggelige timer med Christian.

Your support stated that

This is due to a comma in the phrase "Min overdådige, danske beskrivelse af flere forskellige øer."

Is there a way to escape the characters and import this .csv properly, also with the international characters ÆØÅ parsed correctly? I will not make the switch from Daylio to Journey unless I am able to bring all my previous entries.

Thanks in advance.


Hi @da9 , our technical team is looking into this issue. I will update you when I have more information. Thanks!