Hi everyone! I've been using Journal It! app for a while as a journaling app, but now I've decided to change to Journey because it has great features.
What I feel is missing, are all the organizers I've used until today. This is a list, that I think would be a great implementation for the app:

  • Activities (what I was doing when I was writing or the activities I wrote about in a specific entry)
  • Tags - I know there are already tags, but I feel it would be better to have tags with more than one word
  • People - All the people I mentioned within the entry
  • Places - I would like to have the possibility to add more than one place for every entry, and to
  • Feelings - Add all the feelings I need to a specific entry (like happy, sad, anxious)

    Hi Cristina , thank you for choosing Journey. Firstly, we would like to welcome you to the Journey forum. Your suggestions are really helpful. I would like to address some of the points you have made.

    1. Activities
      There are 7 built-in activities in Journey i.e. Stationary, eating, walking, running, biking, automotive and flying. We can consider adding custom activities in future update.

    2. Tags
      Tags with more than a word will be supported in Journey Cloud Sync.

    3. People
      This is a good suggestion. We have plans to add people in the future update for Journey cloud sync.

    4. Places
      I have sent this feedback to my team. I am unable confirm with you if this feature is possible at the moment.

    5. Feelings
      Journey supports 5 emotions. They are very happy, happy, neutral, sad, very sad. It would be possible to add more emotions in the future.

    I hope the helps! And thank you so much once again for using Journey.

      John changed the title to Better Organization of Journal Entries .


      Awesome! As a former Journal It! user I agree . Journey may have activities and emotions, but not in any way I find convenient.

      In Journal it! Each activity and place was its own notebook, in a way. I could update the activity and entry colors, upload image and use as the notebook cover, etc. Just plain text doesn't really do anything because it's hard to organize entries like that. Every item, people, place, was its own card cover which was quite unique. Harder to really organize entries in any way using Journey but I love Journey so much more in many other ways.