Hi there, I have read some of the blogs but unclear how to fix this issue so your help will me much appreciated. I guessing this is due to google policy? But i can't see any of my old entries that I have in my android app. I can create new ones but from what I can tell this is under the journey cloud service? I don't mind using the new service provided (need more information on what this actually means for cost and overall service) but I do want to see my old entires in one place. I will caveat this with I can see all my old entries on the web / desktop version. So the issue is mainly the convenince of reading in the app where I make my new entries
unable to see old entries in Android App since few days ago (c.14th Aug)
Thisan Hi Thisan, could you reach out to our help desk for assistance with this issue? I did a quick search of your Journey account and found out that there are 3 cloud storages linked to your account. (i.e. 1 Google Drive and 2 Journey Cloud Sync). Please switch back to Google Drive by following the steps here. Please let me know if you need further assistance.