Many moons ago, I signed up for the lifetime subscription, shelling out some considerable bank on the premise by the company that Journey would be implementing the ability to have multiple journals per account. Unless I have missed it, there is no such capability listed on a roadmap. While tagging is a workaround, this is inelegant for those who have the desire to use multiple journals for different functions, i.e. a daily journal, a health journal, etc.

I am not sure what the hold-up is or why this is not being pursued. Such an addition would not only make Journey hands-down the winner of all journaling apps, it would provide a valuable feature for those of us committed to the app over the long-term.

Besides saying "We'll get this to the team for review," can someone offer insights into the wherefores of this long sought after request?

Many thanks!

  • John replied to this.
    11 days later
    John changed the title to Multiple Journals similar to Day One .
    a month later


    As John said, Multiple Journals like in Day One, is already supported. They are called “Drives.” If you go to Journey via the web, login and click on your profile picture and select Add Cloud Account and proceed from there by creating a new Drive. This feature requires that you use Journey Cloud Sync, not Google Drive Sync, for it to work.

    a month later
    3 months later

    It's not quite the same though as you can't view all the entries in one timeline - unless I'm missing something?