I downloaded google cloud zip file and upload journey cloud now.
An error like the one shown on the screen appears.
How can fix it?
Journal entries not imported successfully to Journey Cloud sync
4 days later
ksy Hi, thank you for using Journey Cloud Sync. Are you a paid membership user? It seems that the import has exceeded the count limit i.e. 3000 entries. Also can you send me the Journey Cloud Sync drive ID? I can check it out for you. If you have more than 3000 entries, please let me know. We can increase the quota limit.
3 months later
John I experienced the same thing today. I am a Lifetime member and only have 300 entries on Journey Cloud Sync. I wanted to create a second encrypted Drive, so I made a Backup of my default Journey Cloud Sync drive, and when I imported it to the encrypted drive, I got the same error. What can I do to resolve this?