quarter42 When I click on any of my throwback entries it shows the entry from 31 days ago, even when clicking on entries from one or two years ago.
John quarter42 Hi, thank you for letting us know. Please swipe to the next story to view the entries from one/two years ago. We temporarily remove this ability due to the complexity to implement in Journey Cloud Sync. Our technical team will take note of it.
Dyanna John just a head's up that swiping left/right also doesn't work to see previous years' entries; it only shows the 31 day's ago entry.
snap_judgment +1 for this to revert to the previous way throwback entries were displayed, the limited preview of entries is annoying as well
John Hi @Dyanna and @snap_judgment , thank you for letting us know. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and we aware of it. Our team will be fixing it in the subsequent update. We just pushed a new update yesterday. I will keep you in the loop once the bug has been fixed. Thanks!
John @Dyanna @snap_judgment This bug has been fixed in v5.2.0G. Please update to this version and check if it has been resolved on your device. Thanks!